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  • Rereading an old chapter…

    Have you ever been reading a really good book in bed, you feel your eyelids getting heavy, but you push through and start the next chapter anyway? What tends to happen, is the next…

    August 4, 2018
  • This roller coaster ride…

    “Life is a crazy roller coaster ride”. We can all agree that we have heard this a few thousand times in our lives. And don’t get me wrong, I love the saying. It hits…

    August 4, 2018
  • The one unifying truth…

    This concept, though not new by any means, is one that I have continuously relearned throughout my ‘adult life’, and that is—none of us really know what we are doing. My most recent run…

    August 4, 2018
  • Houston, we have a problem…

    Our adventures with Houston began the day we rescued him on Father’s Day of 2010. Friends of ours had been fostering him through the SPCA, and after spending a few days with him, we…

    August 4, 2018
  • A little boy; a huge inspiration.

    When it comes to inspiration, the more present I am, the more access I have to it. That alone is enough for me to try really hard, every day to align myself with mindfulness.…

    August 4, 2018
  • The Benjamin Button theory

    Is it possible that we all have a little Benjamin Button in us? What’s that you say—you think I am insane? Well you are not entirely off base with that assumption, since I did…

    August 4, 2018